What are Agile Frameworks?

A graphic depicting a hand with a pointing finger tracing a line with arrows that runs from the left side of the image to the right with a loop in the middle

An agile framework is a set of very basic rules you can follow to shape the way you work. They’re meant to be ‘lightweight’, which means that a framework doesn’t tell you exactly how to run a project, instead it gives you a structure - designed with agility in mind - to work from and build upon.

Frameworks can be useful if they are implemented while also gaining an understanding of the fundamental principles of agility. The danger is that sometimes frameworks can be put in place without that additional learning. When this happens, the rules of the framework can become an unhelpful set of processes.

The most commonly-used agile frameworks are Scrum and Kanban. The following articles give a high-level overview of these to help people who are new to these concepts to better understand them and cut through some of the jargon.


What is the Agile Manifesto?


What is Scrum?